Account Settings - Overview

Account Settings - Overview

The "Account Settings" window enables users to edit and update general information for your business. This guide will give you a general overview of the different tabs, and give a short explanation for each one.

1. Click "Business Admin"

Click 'Business Admin'

2. Click "Account Settings"

Navigate to the Account Settings option.

Click 'Account Settings'

3. "Account Settings" window

The "General" tab is displayed by default.

'Account Settings' window

4. General

The "General" tab enables users to define contact information for the business, legal documents such as Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, and privacy setting preferences.

For additional information on this tab, click here.


5. Receipts

The "Receipts" tab enables users to define the message and sender information displayed to users when sending a receipt. These settings can be defined for SMS and Email messages separately.

For additional information on this tab, click here.


6. API Keys

The "API Keys" tab enables users to view, copy, or reset their unique API key.

For additional information on this tab, click here.

API Keys

7. Campaigns

The "Campaigns" tab enables users to define the business information displayed when sending campaign messages, editing "unsubscribe" links, and conversion windows.

For additional information on this tab, click here.


8. Permissions

The "Permissions" tab enables users to define new users, view existing users, and edit user permission levels.

For additional information on this tab, click here.


9. Stores

The "Stores" tab enables users to view and edit store information.


10. Billing

The "Billing" tab displays a summary of receipts and marketing information sent, including the number of messages sent and messaging costs.


For additional information on the Billing tab, click here.

11. Audit

The "Audit" tab displays system setting changes by date and user email address.

For additional information on this tab, click here.


This covers the different account settings in Weezmo, and what they can be used for. This guide can help you further improve your experience using the Weezmo interface. For additional information about the different settings, check out our other guides.


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