How to Analyze Campaign Results Information
How to analyze campaign results information
Explore how to effectively analyze campaign results information using Weezmo.
1. Click here
Click Marketing.
2. Select marketing type
Select either the SMS or Email campaign options. In this demonstration, we'll select the SMS option.
3. Select campaign
Select a campaign to analyze.
4. Campaign details
The "Campaign details" section displays an overview of information about the campaign. Here, you can see the sending date, total recipients, and number of characters.
5. Campaign content
The campaign message content is displayed here.
6. "Sent to" lists
The "Sent to" section displays the contact lists to which the campaign was sent.
7. Invalid numbers
Here you can view the amount of invalid numbers - numbers to which the campaign was not sent due to an issue. Clicking on the number here will open the "Invalid numbers" section.
8. Conversion window
Here you can select the conversion window for which data about the campaign is displayed.
9. Select conversion window
Select a conversion window from the dropdown list, or click "Custom" to select a specific date range.
10. Campaign time frame
Here you can view the campaign time frame.
11. Click "Change"
Click "Change" to change the existing time frame.
12. Click "start date"
Click "Start Date".
13. Select date range
Select a date range for the campaign to be active.
14. Performance Tab
The performance tab displays an overview of the campaign performance.
15. Received
Here you can see the amount of messages received by contacts.
16. Clicked
Here you can view the amount of contacts who have clicked the campaign links.
17. Unsubscribers
Here you can view the amount of contacts to whom the campaign was sent, who have then unsubscribed from marketing.
18. Unique Purchases
Here you can view the number of unique purchases made. A unique purchase is counted by customer, regardless of the amount of separate purchases that customer made. For example, if a customer made 5 separate purchases, the "Unique purchases" data field counts one unique purchase.
19. Purchase count
Here you can view the overall purchase count for the campaign. Hovering with the mouse over the bar displays how many purchases were made online, and how many were made in-store.
20. Income
Here you can view the total income. Hovering over this data field displays how much income was earned from online purchases, and how much from in-store (offline) purchases.
21. Campaign funnel
The campaign funnel displays the progression of the campaign, from when it was sent, to received, how many customers clicked a link, and how many people purchased after clicking. This graph helps users visualize how effective the campaign is, from the amount of messages sent to the amount of purchases made through the campaign link.
22. Purchases Behavior
The "Purchases Behavior" graph displays the behavior of purchasing customers to which the campaign was sent - Total purchases made during the campaign, the amount of customers who clicked the campaign link and made a purchase, and the amount of customers who made a purchase regardless of the campaign. Hovering over the graph with the mouse will display how many purchases were made online and how many were made offline.
23. Conversion window
The conversion window graph displays the amount of purchases made within the different time ranges. Hovering with the mouse over each section of the graph will display how many purchases were made online and how many were made offline.
24. Top purchased items
This graph displays the items which were most purchased during the campaign.
25. Search for items
Use the search bar to search for specific items by item code or name.
26. Purchases by store
This graph displays the number of purchases per store. Hover over the different graphs to see the amount of revenue from that store.
27. Search for store
Use the search bar to search for a specific store.
28. Click "Analytics"
Click here to open the Analytics tab.
29. Analytics tab
The Analytics tab can be used to analyze sales performance before and after the current campaign. This shows how effective the campaign has been.
30. Select date range
Click here to select a date range to analyze. The date range must include dates within the current campaign. You can get a comparison by choosing dates before the campaign starts.
31. Select items
Use this search bar to select specific items for which to display purchase analytics.
32. Select branches
Use this search bar to select specific branches for which to display purchase analytics.
33. Purchases count over time
The "Purchases count over time" table displays the number of purchases, average basket values, and revenue within the defined parameters. The blue line displays the number of purchases per date. Hovering with the mouse over one of the points in the graph will display the specific number and revenue for that date. The orange line displays the average basket values per date. Hovering with the mouse over one of the points in the graph will display the average basket value for that date.
34. Graph overview
An overview of the graph data is displayed above the graph. This overview is separated into "Performance before the campaign" and "Performance during the campaign." For each time period, the overview displays the total purchase count, average basket value, and total revenue.
35. Hide or display graph line
Click here to hide the line graph display for either of these data fields.
36. Purchase Behavior
The "Purchase Behavior" bar graph displays the amount of unique users who are new, repeat and increase customers: New: Customers who didn’t purchase in the chosen period before the campaign started, but made a purchase during it. Repeat: Customers who made the same number of purchases before and during the campaign. Increase: Customers who made more purchases during the campaign than before the campaign. Hovering over the different bars with the mouse will display the amount of unique users for that category.
37. Campaign Impact Ratio
The Campaign Impact Ratio graph displays the amount of purchases made using the campaign offer, and the amount of purchases made regardless. Hovering with the mouse over the graph sections will display the total revenue for that section.
38. Click "Content"
Click here to open the "Content" tab.
39. Content tab
The "Content" tab displays data about the campaign content and amount of link clicks for the campaign.
40. SMS preview
Here you can see a preview of the campaign message.
41. Unique clicks
Here you can view the number of unique link clicks, meaning the amount of different customers who clicked the link.
42. Total clicks
Here you can see the total number of clicks made within the campaign.
43. Clicks by first 24 hours
This graph displays the total number of clicks within the first 24 hours since the campaign was sent. Each point represents a number of clicks per hour since the campaign was sent. Hovering with the mouse over each point will display the number of unique clicks and total clicks for that hour.
44. Clicks per URL
This table displays all the URL links in the campaign, the number of unique clicks and total clicks for each one. You can sort these by clicking the Unique clicks or Total clicks column. Clicking again will change the sorting order.
45. Click "Lists"
Click here to open the "Lists" tab.
46. Lists
Here you can view the lists to which the campaign was sent, and those which were excluded. Next to each list, you can see the number of contacts in parentheses.
47. Click "Invalid numbers"
Click here to open the Invalid numbers tab.
48. Invalid numbers
Here you can view the numbers to which the campaign couldn't be sent.
49. Edit contact
Click here to open this contact in the Contacts window, and edit them.
50. Search contact
Use the search bar to search for contacts within the Invalid numbers list.
This guide covered a comprehensive walkthrough on analyzing campaign results in Weezmo.