How a grocery store with over $2B in revenue uses Weezmo to create loyalty

How a grocery store with over $2B in revenue uses Weezmo to create loyalty

One of the country’s top 5 grocery retailers, with 40 branches, 1000 point-of-sale systems, and over 2 billion dollars in annual revenue, faced a significant challenge when they wanted to establish a loyalty program. One of these challenges included the creation and later management of a customer database. Implementing Weezmo enabled the brand to create a successful loyalty program to drive customer relations and generate repeat business.

The Challenge

The supermarket wanted to boost its customer engagement, by tracking customer discounts, identifying repeat customers, analyzing what time of the day/ year customers tend to spend money, determining what they purchased and when, and more. However, it had no single platform that could capture all the necessary data, and was therefore unable to create the kind of personalized marketing campaigns that would resonate with individual customers, and improve their loyalty to the brand.

One of the country’s top 5 grocery retailers, with 40 branches, 1000 point-of-sale systems, and over 2 billion dollars in annual revenue, faced a significant challenge when they wanted to establish a loyalty program. One of these challenges included the creation and later management of a customer database. Implementing Weezmo enabled the brand to create a successful loyalty program to drive customer relations and generate repeat business.

The Solution

By implementing Weezmo, the supermarket was able to capture valuable customer data at every touchpoint, knowing who is making the purchase, their purchase history and more. This information enables them to bridge the gap between online and offline data, to gain a comprehensive view of customers’ behavior and preferences. As well as using these insights to create relevant, personalized offers, the supermarket was also able to identify its most loyal customers and offer them exclusive promotions and discounts, which helped improve customer retention and increase revenues.

The Results

Within two months of implementing Weezmo, the supermarket saw as a database was created and subscriptions to its loyalty program grew to an incredible 108,000 members. The supermarket also experienced a daily increase of 1700 new sign-ups to its mailing list, enabling regular communication with customers to further drive loyalty.

A particular win was Weezmo’s digital receipt and SMS campaign, in which customers who agreed to receive a digital receipt and mailings from the supermarket were offered the chance to enter a lottery. This led to more loyalty members, strengthening the brand ahead of the competition.

76% revenue from returning customers

108,000 new loyalty members recruited in less than 2 months

1700 new sign-ups a day to receive marketing campaigns

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