Changing the content of the SMS message sent to the customer - Guide**
Click on Receipts
You can change the sender's name to your preference. However, the sender's name must be in English characters or numbers and can contain up to 10 characters.
Here you can edit the content of the SMS message sent to the customer
You can choose to insert unique data into the SMS message content by clicking on INSERT PROPERTY and choosing the data you want to insert.
Useful data examples: business name, branch name
Finally, click on SAVE to save the changes
You can set a different message format to be sent based on a set of defined rules.
Click here to set this up
Click on the plus sign to add a new rule
Edit the SMS content and click Add ruleClick on "SELECT FIELD" and choose under which conditions the rule will apply.
For example, if we select BranchID, the edited SMS message will be sent if the receipt was sent from the selected branch
Choose "Any in" to define the message be sent to any receipt sent from the branch.
Choose the relevant branches. You can choose one or more branches.
Finally, click SAVE to save the changes